A Couple of Shrinks
Dan and Gabby Jimmerson, a married couple practicing as psychotherapists in California and Arizona, talk all things mental health, therapy, and what it's like being married to a therapist...when you're also a therapist. Get it? A couple...of shrinks. You get it.
26 episodes
#25- "Trigger Words"- words that attract our attention in therapy
"I NEED....""I SHOULD...""We had SEX...""Narcisist, co-dependent..."and SO MUCH MOREJust for fun, this week we talked about words we hear as clinicians that make us perk up and grab our attention. If you notice your ther...
Episode 25

#24- But, like, what is sex therapy, though?
This week we'll walk you through what sex therapy is and what a sex therapist actually does! Is my sex therapist gonna touch me? Don't I have to have a specific medical issue to talk about? But can't I just see any therapist for a sexual health...

#23- Interpersonal Therapy- How are my relationships impacting my mental health?
Check out the Breakthrough Mental Health Conference in Chandler, AZ here Have you ever considered how your relationships may impact you...
Episode 23

#22 - Conflict Management Part II: The Antidotes
We covered Gottman's 4 Horse-people in episode #20. This week, rather than just dumping problems on you, we actually help you solve those bad conflict management habits with...The Antidotes!
Episode 22

#21 - Values and Mental Health / Learning Your Heart!
In this week's episode, we are completing a therapy exercise together during the recording, and demonstrate to listeners how to use it both casually and clinically. The exercise is called the Values Card Sort, and is a way to identify wha...
Episode 21

#20 - Conflict Management Part I: The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
This week we talk about communication habits that can bring on a relationship's demise: the Gottman Institute's 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse! We'll tell you what to look out for and how to recognize if these 4 Horsemen are sh...
Episode 20

#19 - Rehabilitation and Treatment Options: What You Need to Know
I'm ready to get help with my addiction. What next? Choosing a rehab or treatment center can feel daunting and the options are endless. HMO? PPO? No resources? Beach villa with a personal chef or a bunk with meals? Th...
Episode 19

#18 - 5 Love Languages
This week we're chatting all about Gary Chapman's 5 Love Languages! What are they? Is this concept from 1992 helpful? Why? Why not? Listen in and find out.
Episode 18

#17 - Understanding Depression
This week we chat about a couple of forms depression might take. We also explore some old wisdom to help with coping and the treatment of depression. You're never alone. If you're in danger of hurting yourself or others or if you ...
Episode 17

#16 - Communication Breakdown
Strategies for Effective Communication: This week we break down what "active listening" ACTUALLY means and give you some foundational tips on communicating well with your partner. What would happen if we tried to talk to each o...
Episode 16

#15 - Therapy Throughout the Holidays
Therapy is often one of the first things to fall off the to-do list during the holidays. Is it okay to take break? Dan and Gabby talk about what it's like as a therapist to see clients inconsistently throughout the holiday season and offer some...
Season 2
Episode 8

#14 - 4 Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season
The holidays happen to all of us. For some it's full of love and joy and family. For others, it's lonely and brings out the worst. This episode, Dan and Gabby talk about a few things to keep in mind that will help you show up well throughout th...
Season 2
Episode 7

#13 - Medication and Mental Health?
What role does medication play in mental health? Is my therapist thinking that I should be on meds? How do I talk to my doctor, or my kids, or my spouse, about being on psych meds? If you're curious about meds and mental health, this one is for...

#12 - Narcan OTC
**Please note that this episode discusses drug use Do you ever wonder why no one REALLY talks about the overdose deaths in the US and why the political elite aren't actually addressing the issue in any meaningful way? J...
Episode 12

#11 - Marcus Aurelius, Sigmund Freud, & my Distorted Thoughts walk into a bar
Does the happiness of your life really depend on the quality of your thoughts? Marcus Aurelius thought so. This week we're talking about how our beliefs, experiences, thoughts, and behaviors collide- for better or for worse- and what to do abou...
Episode 11

#10 - As the great John Legend would say, you're crazy and I'm...also crazy?
A common question in a couple's therapy session... is the dysfunctional communication and conflict pattern in our relationship my problem or your problem or our problem? How do we know when the conflict is a personal issue in our own life or an...
Episode 10

#9 - Is that self-sabotage or are you just happy to see me?
What is self-sabotage and how do we stop it?
Episode 9

#8 - Shrinks are Back!
Without further ado we're able to begin season 2 of A Couple of Shrinks in 2023! After taking a much-needed (and accidental) hiatus from recording , we're back in the new year with brand new episodes. We're starting off with a shorty-but-a-good...
Episode 8

#7 - "To relapse or not to relapse... That is the question."
This week we look at sobriety and relapse. How do we define these things and how do we live with someone who is struggling with substance use?
Episode 7

#6 - "Hey man, I can't do cocaine anymore..."
No, but really...how do I talk to other people about my own mental health stuff? Do I even need to tell my boss, friend, family, significant other, etc. about what I'm going through? What kind of boundaries do I need to keep in mind when discus...
Episode 6

#5 - Sex Ed, Slang, and the Death Grip
Once again, we didn’t intend to discuss this topic. But we found ourselves chatting about Peggy Orenstein’s ted talk about young women, young men and sexual pleasure (ted talk linked below).Side bar: we use anatomically correct langu...
Episode 5

#4 - Change... Like, Life Changes... Not Coins
This week we've got change on the brain. We look at how dealing with change- big and small- influences our mental health, personal growth, and relationships.
Episode 4

#3 - Elvis Presley
What does Elvis have to do with the podcast? We're not sure. But we chat about the King, his one and only wife, some family dynamics (as depicted through the newest Elvis movie)...and somehow tie it back into our clinical work.
Episode 3